Tuesday, May 25, 2010

White-trash meets style this summer at Huggies.

Worried about letting your toddler outside in just a diaper and t-shirt? Now he's covered, and in style. Let those lovely thighs accent his new name brand jeans.
You may love these, and I'm fine with that. Part of me wants to give them credit for the first out-of-the-box diaper idea, the other part of me screams "Are you kidding?"
Part cheesy, part just-too-much, part gross. Can't explain that last one - just looks trashy to me. Like Daisy Dukes, but a little shorter.
Of course, they have everything your jeans have, cute seams, pockets, (well, pictures of pockets) and they sag after you've worn them for a while - for different reasons. ;)
What do you think? Will you support Huggies in their big stylish move?

Heaven. Plain and simple.

If you love chocolate (which makes about 98% of the world's population) then you have GOT to go and pick up some Triple Chocolate Ice Cream, from Breyers. "Three times the all-natural temptation for serious chocolate lovers."

I don't normally like white or dark chocolate (hate them, actually) but in this ice cream? So good. Really you need to try it to understand. The dark chocolate is more like fudge, and the white is so rich and creamy. And of course the milk chocolate is divine. Next time I buy some, you really should come over. :)